Hi, I’m Eric.
I was born on August 17, 1966 (hence the 81766). Henry Rollins used to use http://21361.com as his website, and I thought it was so cool that I took 81766.com.
My first computer was a TRS-80 with 16K and Level II BASIC. I was so far beyond Level I. Some highlights from that TRS-80 era:
Text Adventure Game
Bad Asteroids Clone
Space Invaders Clone
Invasion Force
CLOAD magazine
Writing my own games.
Arcade Machines of note
Death Race 2000, the game with physical cars on a scrolling tube background, pinball, asteroids, asteroids deluxe, scramble, star castle, Tail Gunner 2, Sea Wolf, That anti-aircraft game
My second computer Atari 800
Star Raider – the space game
Ali Baba
Then I went to RPI.
Then I was looking for a job in Pizza Delivery, but just below it was an ad for Programmers Wanted.
and now